Pioneer Valley HS
August 25, 2016
Issue 9 vol. 2
What is Something That You Would Like to do the Rest of Your Life?

Everyone has a dream job and dream life. So what is yours? It would be amazing if you could be handed the life that you wanted. Of course that’s not reality, getting there won't be easy. It takes a lot of courage to put off the things that you enjoy doing to work on your life and turn it into something that you dreamed of. Since that can't happen right now we can keep on dreaming. So let’s enjoy our dreams for now.
“I would probably want to switch it up you know? I would hate it if I had to stick with one thing for the rest of my life. That would be so boring.” -Julissa Medina (12)

“I would like to teach others everything I know from my educational skills to my extracurricular talents. I want to help others learn something they never thought they would be capable of learning!!! I want to prove that one can never be too old or young to learn something.” -Elizabeth Todakee (12)

“I would like to grow as a person, learn something new everyday, and become a better person than I was the day before. That's what I want; to grow mentally.” -Liset (12)

“I want to stay dedicated to working hard and going to school until one day I have a successful business.” -Jose Osvaldo Rodriguez Reyes (12)
“I just want to run.” -John Gutierrez (12)

“I would like to do anything to make others and myself happy as well as making sure my life will be something successful.” -Illeana (12).

-Cacilda Ramirez
Get Ready to Pokemon Go
-Andres Copado
Pokémon Go is an augmented reality app where you catch Pokémon around you, which is pretty much the entire concept of the game. It is a barebones Pokémon game with the only difference being the amount of Pokémon you can carry and the way you make your Pokémon stronger through candy. In Pokémon Go, you walk around real places, trying to find certain areas called Pokestops that give you items. You try to catch Pokémon around you and try to take over gyms for one of three teams that you decide to join in the game.
Sounds fun right? (It actually is pretty fun until you realize how much money you’ve spent on a free game). It’s a pretty diverting game overall but there are negatives, such as constant GPS tracking which drains your battery very quickly. Another big issue is the difficulty spike with catching Pokémon when you hit level 20 later in the game. The combat in the game isn’t very fun, but it gets the job done. All you do is swipe left and right to dodge attacks and tap the screen to attack enemy Pokémon.
Overall Pokémon Go is a fun game, but it has some issues that need to be fixed if the creators of the game want people to keep playing.
“Pokémon Go is fun but it’s also dangerous at the same time because some people play it while driving and it could lead to accidents.”-Arman Ladan (12)

“Pokémon Go is pretty cool because it reminds me of my childhood when I used to play it on my Gameboy.”
-Emerson Ritualo (12)

“It’s a great game that has gotten more kids to go outside and interact with others.” -Ramon Lemus (12)
Destiny's Summer Vacation
-Kylia Harrison

“July 19, 2016 Millerton Lake. I tried my first time paddle boarding! It was so much fun, a bit challenging, but I eventually got the hang of it. It was like the perfect day ever! I can't wait to paddle board again.”

Destiny Lopez did quite a lot of traveling this summer. She went to Disney Land, Millerton Lake, and Yosemite Park. She did all of this with her family right by here side. Their first trip was a bittersweet trip to Disney Land to celebrate the memorial of her cousin Justin Walker, the last place that Justin visited. Toward the end of July they went on an exciting trip to Millerton Lake Just outside of Fresno. Lastly, Destiny went hiking in Yosemite Park with her aunt and her siblings.
“Yosemite National Park! July 20, 2016. Yosemite is so beautiful! It allows you to appreciate how beautiful our earth is! Hiking up and down waterfall sites is the best. They also have lakes to cool down at. This was my second time going and I plan on going back many more times!”
“June 21, 2016 Disneyland. On June 22, 2015 I lost my cousin in a car accident coming home from Disneyland. My brother was in the car with him. Learning how to adjust without my cousin has been difficult, but we learned how to keep his love for Disneyland alive! We spent the day having fun at Disneyland remembering his last day of life.”
Weekly Calendar
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Freshmen are Friends, NOT FOOD – The day will be dedicated to our Freshmen, and there will be a rally at lunch to celebrate our newest Panthers. Please come out and join us!
Friday, August 26, 2016
First Football Rally/Bring a Freshman to the Game – WEAR YOUR PANTHER BEST!!! We will be having our first big football game rally on Friday, to celebrate our game with Nipomo on Friday night.
Please come out and join us in the amphitheater to show your PANTHERPRIDE!!!
On Friday, night, upperclassmen will be encouraged to bring a freshman to the football game, and post a picture of them with their freshman on Twitter. On Monday, the names of students posting pictures will be entered into a drawing for a sweatshirt from the Student Store.
THURS 25-Aug 4/5/6 FR/JV/V GVBall vs Santa Ynez (CCT)
THURS 25-Aug 4:00 FROSH FBALL @ Nipomo
FRI 26-Aug 4:00/7:00 JV/VAR FBALL vs Nipomo