Pioneer Valley HS
August 17, 2016
Issue 3 vol. 2
Sophomores Show Their True Colors

-Phots by Lauren Limon & Kylia Harrison
Senior Picture Opinions
This past summer, many seniors took their pictures for their final year in high school. Senior year is always the best year, because everybody tries to have as much fun as they can, staying close to friends until the day comes that they have to say goodbye to the people they've been to school with for the past four or more years. I asked five seniors their opinions about their senior picture experience:

"Robin Barnes Photography took my pictures. It was $250 for two booklets and for pictures it's $200. The experience was something I've never felt before. At first I was nervous, but Robin was really nice and easy to talk to. She made the shoot fun by always making me laugh at her jokes." - Edgar Jimenez

"My friend Chrystal Guzman took my pictures. It cost $150, and the experience was so much fun, because I had my best friend with me. She was very fun and didn’t make me feel uncomfortable."
-Carolina Molina

"Arrow Camera did my pictures. It was roughly around $200-$300, and it was fun working with Margaret. She asked what music I listened to so I could get excited and I had a really fun time, because she suggested poses and was encouraging me the whole time."
-Candice Corpuz

"Jeff San Juan took my pictures, and it was $200. It was really fun and easy because he shows you how to pose, but is also open to your own ideas. He makes it comfortable, and overall, he's a really good photographer." -Ashley Domingo

-Lauren Limon
"Alma Erika Photography. Mine were around $100, because I'm a representative for Erika. It was a really nice experience. I had a fun time posing, especially because she kept telling me I was a natural and that she loved my fierce look."
- Jonalene Lara
Costa Rican Experience
This summer, my best friend went to Costa Rica for a week with our school. She fundraised a lot to be able to go on this trip. For Scheyla Zarate, it was totally worth it, because she got to go see so many different things in Costa Rica. She saw how different their culture is compared to ours. She met so many different people and donated money for an elementary school. The trip to Costa Rica is unlike any other. Although you may feel home sick, you'll definitely make a lot of memories.

“This is Volcano Arenal, and I am standing on 7,000 year old lava. Costa Rica is surrounded by wildlife.”

“White Water rafting on the Sarapiqui River. Two hours of extreme waters and peaky downhills drenched in water.”

“We visited an in-need elementary school and were able to make generous donations.”
-Lauren Limon
Advice from Seniors to Incoming Freshmen
This is a list created by myself and other seniors, class of 2016. These are a few things we wish someone had told us our freshman year. Some of these are academic, some are personal, and some are silly. But they are all important; these are the wise words from seniors. These next four years will come and go. Make the most of it!
* No one is looking at Freshmen. Listen, everyone is busy worrying about themselves especially seniors. Seniors are more worried about graduation and getting accepted into college than looking at freshmen. Seniors won’t look at you twice. If they do, they’re a loser with no future plans. The only people that worry are teachers and administration. The only people that would be mean to you are sophomores, (because they think they’re better than you, they’re not, they’re pathetic).
* Do your A-G courses. Even if you don’t plan to go to a 4-year college/university. It’s ALWAYS good to have those classes done just in case you change your mind. At least with that, you’ll have some choices. What are A-G course? They’re classes that you’re required to take and pass in order to be able to apply to state or most 4-year universities. How do you know you’re taking them? ASK YOUR COUNSELOR! They are there to help! Just ask them and if they say you’re not, tell them you want to take them!
* Don’t be afraid to talk to your counselor! They are there to help you! ASK QUESTIONS! Figure out a plan that works for what you want.
* Join some clubs or sports! I know this one is really stereotypical, but trust me you’ll have a better high school experience if you join something. And don’t join something because you think it’ll look better on a college application or because your friend is in it. Join something you enjoy!
* Befriend a teacher or coach! Okay, you’ll need a letter of recommendation for scholarships, college applications, and jobs. It always helps to be close with a teacher or coach. And it’s always good to have an adult to rely on besides your parents (and have a classroom to hang out in during lunch on rainy or hot days).
* Prepare to lose some friends. You’ll grow apart. Because unless you have the exact same schedule, you won’t see each other as often. Homework, projects, clubs, sports, new friendships, romantic relationships, work, and family will get in the way. Drama will happen, friendships and relationships will end horribly. You’ll learn how to cut people out of your life. If someone is making you feel depressed, say goodbye. You’re not a bad person for walking away.
* It’s okay to take breaks and spend time by yourself. You don’t owe anyone anything.
* Freshman year sets you up for the next four years! Don’t mess up! Pass ALL your classes! You’ll become behind on your credits and have to retake the class!
* Don’t play phone games in front of friends, it's rude.
* Be open minded.
* Don’t lower your standards.
* Fill out the Free Lunch application. Because you will be hungry one day and it’s good to have food.
* Life is going to get a whole lot harder. School will get a lot harder. People will be jerks. There is a Crisis Intervention Consultant on campus, Angela Collins, if you ever need any help.
* Never ever do anything to risk graduation. YOU MUST WALK ACROSS THAT STAGE.
* Don’t let friendships or relationships hold you back.
* Don’t let rumors ruin your life. Hold your head high and don’t look back.
* Study right before you go to sleep. It’s been proven to increase your ability to remember whatever you’re studying.
* Don’t worry about people what think of you. It’ll turn you into someone you’re not. Stay true to yourself.
* When you make it to your senior year, go to prom. Even if you don’t have a date, go! Prom is for everyone, not just couples.
* Allan Hancock should always be your Plan B. So make sure to register and take your START test on time.
* LISTEN TO THE ANNOUCEMENTS! I know it’ll be hard but listen to them. They have all the important information.
* Bullying someone doesn’t make you cool, it makes you a loser and pathetic.
* Lastly it’s all temporary.
-Vanessa Nunez C/O 2016