Pioneer Valley HS
August 15, 2016
Issue 1 vol. 2
Link Crew Just Keeps Leading!
Every year, Pioneer Valley High School organizes a Link Crew that serves freshmen and helps to break the ice and ease the nerves that freshmen are being held back by. Students involved in Link Crew put in extra work before and during summer vacation to prepare for the orientation. The theme for this year's Link Leaders is Finding Dory and to "just keep leading." Link Leaders are known to have great enthusiasm for the school and our students. They are here to spread the energy, spirit, and help to anyone in need. Everyone remembers their first day of high school. Link Crew creates a memorable, fun, and comfortable first day for every freshman. Scratch that. They create a memorable, fun, and comfortable first year of high school. Keep in touch with a Link Leader, and you will never lose your path.

-Story by Christina Bulosan, Photos by D. Howard
"Link crew is a group of upperclassmen who will serve as mentors to the freshman. Throughout the year, they should keep in touch with them and encourage them to become part of the school culture. The hope is also that we're able to reach out to freshman; little by little, we may be able to change the school culture into a very positive learning environment. There are many benefits of becoming a link crew leader. Which includes the joy of helping someone out or the satisfaction of seeing a timid freshman come out of their shell because you helped them to their class, said hi, or even just smiled at them. It's really fulfilling being in a group that can be bigger than yourself." - Ms. Zambrano, Link Crew Coordinator
Link Crew Just Keeps Leading!
Every year, Pioneer Valley High School organizes a Link Crew that serves freshmen and helps to break the ice and ease the nerves that freshmen are being held back by. Students involved in Link Crew put in extra work before and during summer vacation to prepare for the orientation. The theme for this year's Link Leaders is Finding Dory and to "just keep leading." Link Leaders are known to have great enthusiasm for the school and our students. They are here to spread the energy, spirit, and help to anyone in need. Everyone remembers their first day of high school. Link Crew creates a memorable, fun, and comfortable first day for every freshman. Scratch that. They create a memorable, fun, and comfortable first year of high school. Keep in touch with a Link Leader, and you will never lose your path.

-Story by Christina Bulosan, Photos by D. Howard
"Link crew is a group of upperclassmen who will serve as mentors to the freshman. Throughout the year, they should keep in touch with them and encourage them to become part of the school culture. The hope is also that we're able to reach out to freshman; little by little, we may be able to change the school culture into a very positive learning environment. There are many benefits of becoming a link crew leader. Which includes the joy of helping someone out or the satisfaction of seeing a timid freshman come out of their shell because you helped them to their class, said hi, or even just smiled at them. It's really fulfilling being in a group that can be bigger than yourself." - Ms. Zambrano, Link Crew Coordinator
Back to School Dance this Friday
This year’s Back to School Dance is sure to be a great time. Check out these pics from last year’s dance; is that Odalys? Did I Mention it’s free? See you Friday in the cafeteria at 7

Dress Up and Show Your Spirit!!
Monday – Freshmen – Superhero Day
Tuesday – Sophomores – Neon Day
Wednesday – Juniors – Camo Day
Thursday – Seniors – Luau
Friday – Panther Pride – PVHS Gear

Adoptable Pet of the Week
ANDY, OH ANDY! Our hearts beat, beat, beat for this friendly and loving Boxer. This sweet, unassuming....(dare we say, simple???) two year old with tender peepers that tell the story of a soul wise beyond his years came to us with a fractured femur that is now, luckily, on the mend. Who knows what this boy went through before he arrived to us, but ANDY isn't letting his past affect his future! We ...could all learn a lil' something from ANDY.
ANDY loves car rides (he behaves angelically), running for the ball, and long walks on the beach. ANDY would love another well-behaved canine friend in his new family, and may even tolerate cats. ANDY bonds deep and heavy with every person he meets -- this one will truly enjoy having a real, live family. We think ANDY would gel rather quickly with his new family, now all he needs is one. ANDY just became available on the adoption floor after months and months of healing from his femur.
ANDY, oh ANDY -- let the trail of heartbeats thump to you.... To learn more about ANDY, please call (805) 349-3435 or come visit him at the Santa Maria Valley Humane Society on 1687 W. Stowell Road in Santa Maria. Or, visit www.smvhs.org to download an adoption application.
And, remember: ADOPT, DON'T SHOP!

Story courtesy of the SMVHS
Summer Gives a Good Sound
The summer of '16 has unfortunately passed however, there has been countless memories and experiences that have been made this summer break. No matter it being road trips, time at the beach, or simply catching up on the hours of sleep you lost during school. Samantha Hernandez, a sophomore here in PV, has thoroughly enjoyed her summer vacation. This year, she has been to four concerts watching her favorite bands live.
"The concerts I went to were really amazing. Going to these concerts made me feel really happy and alive and without a doubt, one of the best experiences of my life so far. I've met so many amazing people in the crowds as well as some of my idols. Overall, I just had a great time actually seeing the bands I listen to live. I got to make new friends in the crowds and even hold a singers hand during a song. I was still new to the whole concert life and every concert I went to was so unique in many different ways. This was a great summer and I look forward to seeing more concerts in the future." - Samantha Hernandez (10)

Sam hugging her idol, Jordan Witzigrueter, from The Ready Set.
Sam hugging her idol, Jordan Witzigrueter, from The Ready Set.
A performance by the band Set It Off in Warped Tour.
Samantha meeting Ghost Town. Manny Domonick (drums), Kevin McCullough (lead singer), and Alix Koochaki (guitar/backing vocals) left;right.
A small performance by The Ready Set.

-Alexis Dagar