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Pioneer Valley HS

November 8, 2016

Issue 60 vol. 2

Friday night after our clutch win against Righetti, we had an experimental dance in the gymnasium. This was the first time ever having a dance directly after the football game. This experiment turned out to be a great success. We had a huge turn out and everyone seemed to be having a phenomenal time. Over 100 students attended. They seemed to really enjoy the music that the DJ was putting out. Special thanks to the ASB for decorating the gym and for our school hosting a free, casual dance.

"I stood by the outskirts of the circle and that’s when I knew I was within and without." -Andrew Eisner (12)


"It was cool, 10/10  Would go again." -Ulises Moreno (12)


"I thought it was a great and fun way to celebrate winning our last home game and allowing us to hang out and party with each other. It should be done again next year because it connects the students together and shows our school spirit." -Jaren Hogue (12)


"We were surprised with a good turnout, and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Many even wanted to start their own event after the dance ended." -Noah Valdez (12) ASB Officer

-Brendan Lopez, Justin Thomas, and Jonathan Hedlund

Senior Sweatshirts and T's on Sale Now!

Seniors, pre-order sales for your senior sweatshirts and T shirts are going on now at the student store.


For the next 2 weeks you will be able to order your sweatshirt for $32 and your T for $10. Don't delay, sales will be closed after November 18th.


Sweatshirts will have this design on the front and all senior names on the back with a shadow 17.


Before You Vote, What Would You Want to Know?

-Araceli Flores

Today is November 8th  which means that it's time to vote! We are all anxious to discover who our next president will be: Democratic Hillary Clinton or Republican Donald Trump. Both Clinton and Trump had the time to address their issues on national television for voters throughout their three presidential debates. After the debates, people are still asking themselves what Clinton and Trump will really do for this country. Everyone all over the nation has questions for the candidates. Is Donald Trump serious about having a massive deportation for all immigrants? Why is Hillary going to allow abortion? Some of your fellow panthers themselves had some questions to ask the presidential candidates.

"I would ask Donald Trump why he was always being repetitive during the debates. I also want to ask both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton why they always attacked each other instead of addressing important issues during the debates. On a serious note, I would ask them both what are their plans for the U.S. What is the first thing you are going to do? I also want to ask Donald Trump if he and Obama will ever be close friends." -Angie Magana (12)

"If I could ask Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton anything it would be to know what their first plans are for us. Like, what are your first intentions for this country?" -Jocelyn Chesnas (12) 

"I would ask Donald Trump if he genuinely cares about the United States of America. I would ask Hillary Clinton to not hide anything, especially her emails."

-Vanessa Pinon (12)

"I would ask Trump why he discriminates against women and when he gets caught, he denies it. His discrimination towards women is hurtful. I would ask Hillary Clinton how she put up with Donald Trump and stays so calm around him during their debates. If I were 18, I would vote for Hillary because she is a better choice than Trump. Not that I like her, but she is better than Donald Trump."

-Hannah Garnica (12)

Madea Movie Review

Ninth movie in the Madea franchise, "Boo! A Madea Halloween" is about Madea having to keep an eye on a group of misbehaving teenagers while battling off zombies, ghosts, ghouls, and killers. Tyler Perry stars as Madea, Joe, and Brian, and the cast consists of some recognizable YouTube stars. These YouTube stars started off as just sitting in their room filming themselves and now here they are, in a popular movie franchise. Some YouTube stars you might recognize in the movie are: Yousef Erakat, Liza Koshy, Kian Lawley, and JC Caylen. Make sure to look out for them in the movie. Someone else you might see is X Factor contestant, Diamond White. She is playing, Tiffany, Brian's 17 year-old daughter.


If you're in the mood to see a mixture of comedy and scariness, we recommend this film. Cacilda and I got the chance to see this movie and we thought it was super funny. We laughed uncontrollably every five seconds. The whole theater was filled with laughter, it had a mixture of comedy and spooky. There were many funny scenes that will make your stomach hurt from so much laughing. We definitely recommend this film for anyone who is the mood for laughing all night.

"I think that the new movie about Madea is going to be just as funny as all the other ones it will truly live up to the movie series's with her funny character and sassy personality." Trinidad James (12)

"I think the movie is going to be funny. I haven't seen it yet, but I like most of Tyler Perry's movies. I heard it has clowns in it, so I'm reluctant to watch it." -Alyssa Navarro (12)

"I loved the movie! I thought it was really funny, just like all the Madea movies. I've seen all of them and they all make me laugh so much. I give it a 10/10. I definitely recommend it to everybody." -Vanessa Diaz (12)

"I haven't seen it, but I do want to because Madea is so funny. Also, my favorite actress, Bella Thorne is in it. The previews look riveting. Comedies are my favorite because they are hilarious. I'm going to watch it with my cousin very soon." -Dulce Garduno (12)

-Araceli Flores & Cacilda Ramirez

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