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Pioneer Valley HS

November 4, 2016

Issue 58 vol. 2

The students of PV’S drama department, have proven yet again that their acting ability is simply stupendous. This compelling but exhilarating play, written by Arthur Miller, exists as an American classic. It was only hard work and dedication put into the production of this play, including sweat and tears from the crew and Mrs. VanGronigen.


Watching the play, the emotional crowd grew unruly. Gasps from finding out a longing mystery, nail-biting from dead silence. The crowd is moved from room to room to show the true setting of all that is happening in this twisted thriller.


Arthur Miller set this riveting production in the New England town of Salem, Massachusetts. One of the protagonists, Reverend Parris, discovers a group of young girls dancing around a pot of "substance". Tituba, who is revealed briefly during act one; scene 1, was found singing in her native Barbados language and waving her arms over a fire. None of the background information is included in Pioneer Valley's production, so maybe some research is needed. Not to leave you hanging, but there is much to watch, to have emotion over, to cry over, and to laugh. 


Furthermore, the drama department's second production in 2016 was critically acclaimed by several students, teachers, and administration. The show runs through the 5th, the 10th, the 11th & 12th of November. Curtain starts at 7:00 pm, student admission is $5 and general admission is $7. Good luck Pioneer Valley drama!   

-Zander Moreno

Senior Sweatshirts and T's on Sale Now!

Seniors, pre-order sales for your senior sweatshirts and T shirts begin Monday.


For the next 2 weeks you will be able to order your sweatshirt for $32 and your T for $10. Don't delay, sales will be closed after November 18th.


Sweatshirts will have this design on the front and all senior names on the back with a shadow 17.


HOCO Portraits, Part 4 of 4

-Photos by Lauren Limon

Panthers Take to the Water

Mr. Magni and his AP Environmental Class went to Avila Beach yesterday on a program with Central Coast Aquariums to learn about the local bay's ecosystem and creatures living within It. Students left school at 8am and headed off for Port SLO near Avila Beach. Upon arrival they boarded a mid sized boat and headed out into the beautiful Avila Bay. There they learned about the importance of pH levels as well as temperature. A net was thrown to collect animals from the bay's sandy bottom, and students learned about and got to touch the various creatures, such as flatfish, shrimp, crab, and croakers among other ocean life.


After the boat trip, students visited the Central Coast Aquarium in the town of Avila where they got to touch a swell shark, and later went to the actual beach to research Mole Crabs. They dug them up in the beach, examined the amount of Mole Crabs found, and then released them. Because Mole Crabs are considered a keystone species, theycan be used to gauge the health of the beach.


The trip was a great change of pace for the AP Environmental Science class, and students were able to conduct real research in a fun yet educational environment.

-Lorenz Dodson

Cowboys vs. Aliens

-Jasmine Yazzie, Jacquelyn Trevino & Ysidro Ramirez

Weekly Calendar


Friday, November 4, 2016

After game dance – gym – after game until 10:30 pm

The Crucible – Drama Room – 7 pm

Panther Pride Day


Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Crucible – Drama Room – 7 pm


Fri    4-Nov    4:00    JV Football vs RHS           
Fri    4-Nov    7:00    V Football vs RHS


Community Action Commission with the generous donation of Naturipe would like to support any Pioneer Valley High School Student currently participating or accepted in a High School Sport.  We will provide up to $100 dollars per qualifying student based on fund availability to support any sport required equipment or attire.

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