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Pioneer Valley HS

October 19, 2016

Issue 47 vol. 2

HOCO Proposals, Romance is in the Air!

Romance is in the air at Pioneer Valley. Guys and girls are getting the courage to ask their soon-to-be dates to this year’s Homecoming. Flowers, creative signs, and a lot of food are being given to “bribe” their friends, girlfriends, and boyfriends. I’d say that this year has the most ingenious posters; with “What’s the pastability you’d go to Homecoming with me?” as well as “You always brighten up my day, won’t you make my Homecoming a sunny one?” These amorous gestures would even make the least romantic people swoon.

-Story by Emilia Martinez

Ramon Lemus(12) and Candice Corpuz(12)

Joey Aguilera(12) & Coryn Nodal(11)

Magaly Alvarez(12) and Steve Romero(12)

Emilia Martinez(12) & Wardie Ghali(12)

Melia Patterson(12) and David Martinez(11)

Destiny Trigger(12) and Jhony Gonzalez(12)

Isaac Serna(12) and Jazmine Urias(12)

Girls’ Varsity Tennis Hosts Atascadero Yesterday

-Brendan Lopez & Justin Thomas

Reviving the PV Garden

-Xayda Gonzalez

Let’s CELERYbrate! Horticulture class is repairing our very own PVHS garden. They are pulling out weeds and refining the soil. Taking out the old and bringing in the new. They are in the process of planting a winter garden. Hopefully by the end of October they will have the soil ready to commence with the planting so that the flowers and veggies will be in bloom around December. Stop by, take a look, and have good Thymes!

Ms. Costa, Students Teacher Agriculture, “Right now we are getting rid of plants and weeds we don’t want in our planter beds. We are prepping our winter garden and will be panting things that are cold and hearty such as; kale, different leafy greens, carrots, and whatever the students want to grow.”

Mauro Rodriguez, 12th , “ This class is really great and I’m looking forward to planting broccoli, corn, strawberries and many more veggies.”

Destiny Lopez, 11th, “It’s fun and exciting to see our hard work come along way. We put in time and effort to see a great outcome, it’s a good feeling.”

Randi Lynn Roberson,10th “We’re fixing up the garden better because of how over grown it’s gotten. Cleaning it up and planting new stuff will make it look neater and better for the school.”

Hiding behind a mask, you walk through life

With your head to the ground.

The voices threaten you to give up,

Etching their names on the once smooth mask

Until it breaks.

You pick up the pieces. Hoping no one sees

Your eyes through the cracks.


After all,

Hiding behind a mask is easier than

Telling someone why you're not okay.

Brick by brick you stack your emotions up,

Wishing they won't fall.

You put up walls, afraid of others peeking in.


You stay quiet outside but

Cry out when it seems like the

Largest of silences is deafening

To your ears.


Your hands shake from the pain.

You say you're weak, but my dear,

You get stronger everyday

For this is only temporary.


Don't look at your scars as a weakness.

It takes time to heal as new skin takes its place.

You will live through this.

You will survive.

You will thrive.


-Alexis Dagar

Weekly Calendar



Wed    19-Oct    2:00    G Golf Finals @ Cypress Ridge
Thurs    20-Oct    4/5/6    FR/JV/V Vball vs Atascadero           
Thurs    20-Oct    3:30    G V Tennis vs Righetti           
Thurs    20-Oct    3:30    G JV Tennis @ Righetti
Fri    21-Oct    4:00    JV Football @ Cabrillo           
Fri    21-Oct    7:00    V Football @ Cabrillo           
Fri-Sat    Oct 21-22    TBA    G V Vball @ Crescenta Valley Tournament
Sat    22-Oct    TBA      Xcountry @ Mt. SAC

Sat    22-Oct    10:30    Milinda Para Memorial Scholarship Benefit

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