Pioneer Valley HS
October 12, 2016
Issue 42 vol. 2
Homecoming Tickets on Sale Now!

Fall is in the air and HoCo is everywhere! Get out your suits, dresses and be ready to have some fun at this year's homecoming dance! The theme this year includes the seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Tickets are out now, so if you have already found that special someone or you're going to spend time with your buddies, head to the business office to purchase your ticket(s) today. One ticket costs $15 which includes one 5X7 portrait with folder frame. Get ready to party on Saturday, October 29th! Let's make the night amazing!
Panther of the First Quarter
Our Panther of the Quarter Ceremony was held yesterday in the school's library. Four of the most thriving students from each grade were recognized for their hard work. The recipients were nominated by teachers on campus who believed the student had displayed qualities that proved to be above and beyond the standard expectations. All panthers are encouraged to try and earn the title of Panther of the Quarter. Congratulations too all the award recipients!

"To be Panther of the Quarter I recommend that you work hard on your grades and be friendly to all your teachers." -Chris Bevington (12)

"I would recommend someone trying to achieve Panther of the Quarter to give it their all and pay attention in class." -Isabel Guardado (11)
"A Panther of the Quarter student could be a student who does very well academically or a student who put a lot of effort into improving their grades, or a student who is overall polite, respectful, and a representative of Panther Pride." -Ms. Davis

"Supporting our freshman at the Panther of the Quarter Ceremony is very exciting! I'm just really proud of my freshman!" -Ody Santos (12)

(in no particular order) Luis Garcia-Mendoza, Princess Butay, Alondra Castaneda Medina, Christopher Bevington, Jesonfel Laya, Nayasin Garcia Lopez, Isabel Guardado, Luis Cisneros-Herrera, Haezel Mae Ortega, Salvador Gonzalez Mandujano, Fawwaz Huzayfa, Andrew Eisner, Andrei Josh Villalobos, Jenna Santana , Maria Bethancourt Cordon, Brianna Juache
-Mona Lily Garcia
Disney Day Pics
-Andres Copado

Student Spotlight: Analiese Ramirez
Analiese Ramirez: the girl with the outstanding scores and the outstanding determination. Ramirez is a senior here at Pioneer Valley this year. Among the 1.6 million students that took the PSAT in 2015, she was recognized as the top 5% with the highest scores, thus earning herself a Letter of Commendation from the National Merit Scholarship. Ramirez has not been academically successful only in high school, but throughout her life. She has always strived to be successful and pushes herself to give her studies her all. "Instead of taking away my phone, my mom would take away my books so that I couldn't finish my homework!" she recalls. Ramirez also scored a 1430 out of 1600 on the SAT and a score of 33 out of 36 on the ACT. Keep in mind, the average score for the ACT is 20, and according to PrepScholar, 1000 for the SAT. Analiese Ramirez never fails to reach for the stars.

-Tina Bulosan
Along with these many accomplishes, she managed to juggle basketball for 3 years, Key Club, Link Crew, EAOP, and CSF. The school of her dreams happens to be UC Berkeley, but she has UC San Diego and UCLA in mind as well. Analiese is planning on majoring in statistics and become an actuary. She claims that "[being an] actuary seems cool because it's math and I like math. Plus, actuaries are in pretty decent demand, and the job would provide great financial security." Analiese Ramirez is a phenomenal student and is bound to capture her dreams. Your Panthers will always admire you and cheer you on for your abundance of hard work and natural brain smarts. Congratulations and keep up the incredible work!
i follow him
into tragedy,
for i am whom
he loves.
i am who he
feeds his
my breath is of
gold. when the
mere masculine of
my figure trickles
into hope, he
shovels his
butterflies from
the jewelry box
on our dresser.
a graveyard of a
single memory
given away for
charm and love.
i love being
lied to, it makes
me think more than
i should.

-Zander Moreno
Weekly Calendar
Spirit Week Dress Up Days:
Wednesday- Work Out Wednesday
Thursday- Country Club
Friday- Around the World:
Seniors America
Juniors Greece
Sophomores Mexico
Freshman France
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Asian-Pacific – Room 623 – Lunch
SHARe Club – Room 555 – Lunch
ASB Business Meeting – Room 508 – 8:00 am
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
BSU Meeting – Room 603 – Lunch
FCA – Room 555 – Lunch
GSA – Room 421 – Lunch
Link Crew – Room 555 – Lunch
Cosmetology Club – Room 423 – Lunch
PV Smash – Room 611 - Lunch
HOMECOMING TICKETS ON SALE - $15 each – Business Office
Thursday, October 13, 2016
ASB Business Meeting – Room 508 – 8:00 am
Outdoor Panthers – Room 211 – Lunch
Club Salsa Caliente – Room 603 – Lunch
K-Pop – Room 213 - Lunch
Meeting with Homecoming Candidates – Room 508 – Lunch
Friday, October 14, 2016
ALL SCHOOL RALLY – GYM – SPECIAL SCHEDULE (Schedule posted on PVHS website)
Thurs 13-Oct 4/5/6 F/JV/V GVBall vs SLO
Thurs 13-Oct 3:30 G V Tennis @ Arroyo Grande
Thurs 13-Oct 3:30 G JV Tennis vs Arroyo Grande
Thurs 13-Oct 3:00 Xcountry mid-season @ Fairbanks
Thurs 13-Oct 5:00 FR Fball @ SMHS
Thurs 13-Oct 2:00 G Golf mini tourney @ Dairy Creek
Fri 14-Oct 4:00 JV Football vs SJHS
Fri 14-Oct 7:00 V Football vs SJHS
Sat 15-Oct 8:30/2:30 B Hoops Justin Walker Memorial @ PV