Pioneer Valley HS
October 6, 2016
Issue 38 vol. 2
New Scoreboard is Star of the Game
The Panther Stadium scoreboard is up and running! The second scoreboard since the opening of our school in 2004, it is a new jumbo screen with the PV logo and a "Home of the Panthers" header across the top. Here’s what some of our coaches and athletes had to say about the wonderful new addition to the field:

"I definitely like our new scoreboard compared to the old one. We were in a rush to get it done on time for the game, but it looks good. We have the flag waving the whole time in the upper section and it looks great. It shows what team we're playing against too. It’s perfect."
-Coach Baldwin

"It's really cool that we're getting a new scoreboard. I mean, the one that we have is the original scoreboard, but this one is a major update from the other one. I heard that we're going to show images on the jumbo screen, the running back, or who ever scores. It'll also show other pictures of the team and stuff. I think it's pretty cool that we get this update." -D.J. Claborn (11)

-Daniel Rodriguez

"The scoreboard looks nice; I like the way it's designed. I really like how we got a new screen in the scoreboard."
-Oskar Ruiz (9)

"I think the new scoreboard was a good idea, because our old one wasn’t working and kept breaking. This one looks a lot nicer. I like how we could put our names for our team and the other team as well."
-Bruin Chapman (9)
"I think the new scoreboard was a good idea. l like that it has better quality. The only thing I want is for it to show our pictures like how St. Joes has it. But other than that, it's looking pretty good." -Daniel Vasquez (9)

"I feel like our new scoreboard looks better than the old one. And it's cool how our scoreboard would have who is playing. Like, the home side would say Panthers and the away side would say whoever we are playing. I also really like how it shows our picture." -Abel Santana (9)

Club Rush is a Blast
At yesterday’s club rush you could have seen most of PV's clubs on the quad area set up with different types of booths promoting their clubs with games & prizes and delicious foods. There was also a performance from the color guard.

-Jasmin Chavez
Funimation Now App Review

Funimation Now is an anime streaming app from the U.S. anime distributor "Funimation."You can watch every Funimation show that has been made, they have dubbed and subbed for the time being. Funimation recently made a deal with Crunchyroll so they can focus more
"I’ve seen a couple of shows that I think are Funimation shows. I’ve seen most of Dragonball Z and Dragonball Z GT. I’m also watching Tokyo Ghoul right now. I don’t really have any favorites but I think Tokyo Ghoul could end up being one of my favorites if it has a happy ending.”- Steve Romero (12)
on dub content, this deal also lets them share licenses for shows. With a Funimation "Now" account, you also get access to broadcast dubs which are dubs that come out a couple of weeks after the original Japanese broadcast.
Unfortunately there is no episode tracker and the video player is good and bad at times, mostly bad. But, Funimation has heard about the complaints and is updating their video player. A subscription only costs six dollars as of right now as they are only providing dub content for new shows, but the older shows still have subs for the time being. Overall it’s a pretty good app excluding the video player, especially on consoles.

“I really like Free, Naruto, Trinity Seven, Infinite Stratos, Excel Saga, No Game No Life, Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions. My all-time favorite probably has to be Iron Blooded Orphans since I’m a huge Gundam fan. My favorite genre probably Mecha since I watch a lot of mech anime, my other favorite genre is probably Shonen, I’m a HUGE fan of Naruto. I'm a big anime fan. WasabiLegend out.”-Edgar Jimenez (12)

” I’m a huge fan of Tokyo Ghoul, Kenichi, D Gray Man, Assassination Classroom, Dragonball and DragonBall Z but I’m not a huge fan of Dragonball GT. Some of favorite anime studios are Ufotable because of their visual effects, White Fox since they made my favorite anime, RE:Zero, And J.C Staff who made two of my favorite shows Golden Time and Food Wars.”- Justin Thomas (12)

"I'm not really into anime but I've seen a couple of them. I remember watching one about bounty hunters in space that I really liked but I don't know what it was called. If I had to pick a favorite that I could remember, it'd be this Star Wars anime they used to show back in the day."
-Benjamin Noriega (12)
"My Cousin Catliyn is really into anime. Because of this, I've gotten really into anime during the past couple of years and I've managed to get a couple of my friends into it too. I think my all time favorite anime has to be either Sword Art Online or Noragami."
-Chris Bevingtom (12)

-Andres Copado
Weekly Calendar
Thursday, October 6, 2016
ASB Business Meeting – Room 508 – 8:00 am
Outdoor Panthers – Room 211 – Lunch
Club Salsa Caliente – Room 603 – Lunch
Thurs 6-Oct 4:00 G FR Vball vs SLOCA
Thurs 6-Oct 5:00/6:00 G JV/V GVBall vs SJHS
Thurs 6-Oct 3:30 G V Tennis @ Paso Robles
Thurs 6-Oct 3:30 G JV Tennis vs Paso Robles
Thurs 6-Oct 2:00 G Golf @ Chalk Mtn
Thurs 6-Oct 5:00 Frosh Football vs Lompoc
Fri 6-Oct 4:00 JV Fball @ Lompoc
Fri 6-Oct 7:00 V Fball @ Lompoc
Sat 8-Oct TBA G JV Vball PVHS Tourney