Pioneer Valley HS
April 26, 2017
Issue 131 vol. 2
Broadway in NYC is "Center Stage" for Drama Group
PVHS Center Stage drama members had life changing experiences as they traveled to New York City over Spring Break. Club advisor Shawnah Gronigen took 14 students to the Big Apple for a week of sightseeing and theater-going on Broadway. Shows included "School of Rock," "Ground Hog Day" and "Sunset Boulevard" featuring Glenn Close.
Students were able to meet and interact with "School of Rock"actor Alex Brightman.
Senior Joseph Madrigal exclaimed, "Going to New York City was truly the greatest experience of my life. As an aspiring actor, getting to see three incredible Broadway shows was a dream come true. The acting was fabulous and they were technically beautiful. I am so thankful to be given the opportunity of a lifetime."​

"Being able to go to New York was such a life changing experience for me. I had never been able to travel outside of the state, and this trip gave me that and more. It helped me experience cultures and learn more about my career that I want to pursue. The trip allowed me so many experiences that I don’t regret it for a second," shared Ivy Hatter, sophomore.
Alina Davila, junior, reflected, "The New York trip was an amazing experience. To be able to see the art we learn about in school and experience the culture helped me understand the importance of the things I am learning. As a history enthusiast, I was excited to learn and live New York’s rich history. Also, as an aspiring actor to see professional theater and learn about the different acting experience was valuable to me because it prepares me for what I might go through. This was truly a magical and unforgettable experience."

-Ms. Van Gronigen
Lady Panthers Victorious Over Knights
Our Varsity softball team beat St. Joes 4-3 yesterday on the Panther’s field. Way to go Lady Panthers! When someone puts in a lot of work for a game, one of their biggest fears are either losing the game or getting injured before or during the game. Unfortunately this happened to one of our lady Panthers; Vanessa Gomez suffered a significant injury when attempting a pop fly ball during the top of the sixth inning. We hope that Vanessa will make a speedy recovery and hope she will get back on to the field soon. The Lady Panthers continued playing their hearts out for their teammate and held the game to 4-3 with bases loaded in the seventh inning, to end the game on a double play. Give our lady panthers the best of luck for their next game against SLO on the 28th

"We came out with a lot of energy, and ended up winning this game for our teammate and inspiration Vanessa Gomez."
-Jocelyn Chesnas

"The game was really good! And we played our hearts our for Vanessa Gomez"
-Aneisia Dollinger
-Araceli Flores & Daniel Rodriguez
Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Share Club is a club that helps and spread the word about Sexual Assault Awareness. They meet every Tuesday in the 500's and come up with ideas on how to spread the word out. This week we have been having dress up days. Tuesday was neon day and it represented "Break the Silence about Sexual Violence." By breaking the Silence more people will come out and help others out by speaking up. Today is Denim day. Denim day is for what had happened in Italy in 1997. An 18 year old girl had been sexually assaulted by her driving instructor who was 45 years old. The case had went all the way to the Italian Supreme Court where the case had been over turned. The 45 year old man was released and did not go to jail because the judge had said, "because she wore tight jeans, he assumed that she must have helped him."

Ever since this incident had occurred, it has been a worldwide event. By wearing jeans, it shows that it is a "visible means of protest against misconceptions that surround sexual assault." On Thursday, we are going to wear black and it is to represent "Taking Back the Night", Friday is wear a flannel to "symbolize that anyone could be a victim or perpetrator of sexual assault. It doesn't matter what you look like or who you are".
-Elizabeth Morales
Sexual Assault Awareness Week
Wednesday 4/26/17 wear denim/jeans for Denim Day. We will have our rally at
lunch with guests from the Rape Crisis Center.
Thursday 4/27/17 wear black “Take Back the Night”
Friday 4/28/17 wear flannel to symbolize that anyone could be a victim or perpetrator of sexual assault. It doesn’t matter what you look like or who you are.
PVHS Athletics Schedule
Tuesday 25-Apr 4:30 V Baseball @ SLO
Tuesday 25-Apr 3:30 Tennis @ Arroyo Grande
Tuesday 25-Apr 2:00 Golf vs Atascadero (Black Lake)
Tuesday 25-Apr 4:30/5:30 JV/V Vball @ Arroyo Grande
Tuesday 25-Apr 3:00 SWIM @ Righetti
Wed 26-Apr 4:30 V Baseball vs SLO
Wed 26-Apr 4:30 FR/JV Baseball @ SLO
Thursday 27-Apr 3:30 Tennis vs Atascadero
Thursday 27-Apr 2:00 Golf vs Righetti (Black Lake)
Thursday 27-Apr 4:30/5:30 JV/V Vball vs Atascadero
Friday 28-Apr 2:00 TRACK @ Atascadero
Friday 28-Apr 4:30 JV/V Softball @ Paso Robles
Fri-Sat Apr 28-29 TBD V Vball @ Cescenta Valley
Friday 28-Apr 7:00 V Baseball @ SLO
Friday 28-Apr 4:30 FR/JV Baseball vs SLO