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Pioneer Valley HS

March 15, 2017

Issue 112 vol. 2

Panthers on the Prowl in Washington DC

-Araceli Flores

​Four lucky students from PVHS got a close up look of the nation's capital for an entire week. These students include Clarissa Hernandez, Melissa Salazar, and Oscar Vargas. This amazing experience was through the Close-Up Program that gives students and teachers a close up view of our democracy in action. Chaperone Amy Hennings shared news and photos of their first few days, "We are on Capitol Hill today. Students took part in 'a day without a woman/women's march and protest', and got to see congresswomen speak on the hill.  Students were able to meet Congressman Salud Carbajal and Fifth District Supervisor for County of Santa Barbara, Steve Lavagnino." Students are now back home and in school and we hope they enjoyed their week in Washington D.C.

​"It was an awesome experience visiting new places and meeting new people from other states. One of the highlights of my trip was visiting Capitol Hill and meeting our representative from California, Salud Carbajal. I had the opportunity to see the White House from outside the gates. Unfortunately, I did not get the chance to go inside the White House and meet our loyal and trustworthy president, Donald Trump." -Oscar Vargas (12)

"I loved going to Washington D.C. and seeing everything. What I liked the most was meeting other students from different places. I liked visiting the museums, too. It was a pleasure to see our representatives. Overall, I enjoyed my week in the capitol."

-Clarissa Gonzales (11)

Templeton Pitches in the Towel

-Jasmin jazzy j

​On a sunny Monday afternoon, the JV Softball team obliterated Templeton. The score was 8-1, and our team was screaming and cheering for each player. The amount of support and happiness the girls have for each other is amazing and loud. They were cheering very different chants, and every single girl was smiling and proud. In the end the girls powered through and defeated Templeton with grace and positive vibes. Their batting was hotter than the blazing 80 degree weather.

PVHS Athletics Schedule

Wed 15-Mar 5:30 B Vball vs Orcutt
Thursday 16-Mar 3:30 B Tennis vs Paso Robles   
Thursday 16-Mar 2:00 G Golf @ SLO (Dairy Creek)   
Thursday  16-Mar 4:30/5:30 B JV/V Vball vs Paso Robles
Friday 17-Mar 2:30 Swim vs SJHS   
Friday 17-Mar 3:00 TRACK @ Atascadero

Friday Varsity 7:30 and JV 5:30 Softball vs SMHS @ Haggerman

Spring Sports Rally Video


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