Pioneer Valley HS
January 24, 2017
Issue 80 vol. 2
-Zander Moreno

i learned
at a young
age that a
man's world
is misogyny
pinned to the
wall and women
are the art that
decorate it.
How to Yoyo the Jamaican Flag and 4 Pointed Star
Panther Tales staff reporter and yoyo master, Justin Thomas, demonstrates the Jamaican Flag and 4 Points Star tricks. Look for more of Justin's demonstrations in future issues.
Weekly Sports Calendar
Tuesday 24-Jan 5:15/7:00 G JV/V Hoops vs M Prep
Tuesday 24-Jan 3:00/4:00 G JV/V W Polo @ Atascadero
Wed 25-Jan 5:30/7 B JV/V Wrestling vs Righetti
Wed 25-Jan 5:00 G Wrestling @ SMHS
Friday 27-Jan 3:45/5:15/7 B FR/JV/V Hoops vs SJHS
Friday 27-Jan 5:15/7:00 G JV/V Hoops @ SJHS
Friday 27-Jan 4:00/6:00 G JV/V Soccer @ SJHS
Friday 27-Jan 4:00/6:00 B JV/V Soccer vs SJHS
Saturday 28-Jan TBD G Wrestling League Finals @ PVHS
Friends & Family Photo Shoot Starts Today
Cousins Pics Tuesday & Wednesday
Starting Monday the 22nd the yearbook staff will be taking pictures of you and your friends & family starting with siblings (brothers and sisters) in rm205 at lunch. Tuesday & Wednesday they will be taking pics of PV cousins followed by friends on Thursday & Friday (limited to groups of 5). ALL pics will go in this year’s yearbook!

Yearbook Sales End this Month! (buy yours now)
The time has come to buy your yearbook. January 31 is the final day to purchase your yearbook at only $95. The yearbook includes senior baby pictures, the senior panoramic photo, all sports, homecoming, clubs, friends and family, Prom, and so much more! The yearbook is the only place you can find everything that happened at PVHS this school year. It’s our number one goal to include everyone, and we feel like we will reach it this year. The yearbook is for everyone. We encourage you to buy it. Years from now you’ll find it in the back of your closet and open it up and look through the old photographs and remember. You’ll remember your life here, your friends, the stories. You’ll smile and be grateful you bought it because you can’t put a price on memories.
"This yearbook is my life! I really enjoyed working on it, and I think everyone will enjoy it too. You should buy the yearbook because it tells a story -your story!" -Jasmin Chavez, Sports Editor

You should buy the yearbook because it's lit 🔥" -Mona Garcia, Yearbook Editor-in-Chief

Buy your yearbooks soon because you'll never want to forget all of the memories you had in the 2016-2017 school year and you know that you won't regret it! -Lauren Limon, Current Events Editor
Panthers Barely Defeated by Cross-Town Rivals
After an intense game at the Warriors Gym this past Friday, the Varsity Boys’ Basketball team took an unfortunate loss 47-53. What made this game so anticipated was the cross-town rivalry against Righetti, but what kept the audience’s attention was the scoreboard. Going back and forth throughout the game of winner and loser, the Righetti Warriors won the game by just 6 points. Although the win was in our grasp, it slipped. However, there will be a rematch and a chance to redeem ourselves on February 10th, at home. So, to anyone who could not make this past game, don’t miss the next chance to come out and support our Panthers! This coming Friday we play Saint Joes here at PV!
-Jordan Gonzales & Emilia Martinez

Q: You will be going to the siblings photo shoot Monday?
A: Of course! We can't wait to be immortalized in PV's 2017 Yearbook. Get ready for double trouble!!
-Angelique (left) &
Sophia Tovar (11)