Pioneer Valley HS
January 23, 2017
Issue 79 vol. 2
Boys' Soccer Cleans RHS House
Varsity panthers win against Righetti at Righetti this was an awesome game with parents cheering and screaming for our panthers. This game was one of the best games I’ve been to with players screaming at the refs because of “lightning” when there wasn’t any at all; Mr. Brafman challenging the refs asking them to mark what they needed to mark and not marking the opposite of what it was. Parents showing their support towards our teams and making them try their best!
Our panthers won 2-0 with our goalie not letting a single ball go in the goalie net. They could've scored a 3-0 but the ref did not count it and said no goal but to the players and the crowed varsity soccer won 3-0.
"These players did there best they tried their hardest even though there was rain and lightning these players played the hardest. They also worked as a team and supported one another." - Mr. Ramirez
"The boys played well last night, they worked together and got the win. I was glad to see a few of the players push through and continue playing hard even through the cold and the rain." - Clarielisa (11th)
"I'm pumped into getting tonight's win against RHS" - Jesus Santiago (11th)

Our JV panthers prepared themselves to play against Righetti Warriors at Righetti High school. This awesome team that represents Pioneer Valley High School tried their best to win against the warriors and they did, 3-0! It was a great game for them, they always try their best and give everything out on the field. They always try their hardest as a team and support one another.
"I think we played pretty sloppy but they did pretty well" -Osvaldo Andrade (9th)
"I thought it was good, we sure did put up a good fight" -Miguel Yarte (9th)
"Our team performance was very good, even though some are still on vacation, but we did really well" -Arturo Ramirez (11th)
"They're a pretty good team putting up a good fight. We were playing a little bit of kickball out there but we're going to try harder." -Louis Gonzalez (11th)

-Diana Garcia
Quote of The Week
The quote of the week: "Challenges Are What Make Life Interesting And Overcoming Them Is What Makes Life Meaningful"-Joshua J.Marine
What does this quote mean to you? And how would you use this quote through daily life?
To me this quote means that in life we are going to have to face some challenges that are hard to overcome. Life is not easy and we have to go through some challenges to learn a lesson. I would use this quote through daily life to help me face the hard challenges that I will face In the future.
-Elizabeth Morales, PT's Journalist

"To me it means that if there were no challenges in life, it would be pointless. The way I would use this quote in my daily life would be to inspire me to take on any challenge even if it seems impossible."
- Francisco Campos (11)
"To me it basically means life is not that simple. You have to live life in order to learn from it. This is something that I would use in my daily life to inspire me because without challenges there is no life."
-Stephany Mendoza (10)

"To me this quote means that you're not going to get through life gracefully. Sometimes you're going to have to go through and overcome challenges that help make you who you are or teach you lessons. Each challenge is going to somehow effect you and have a meaning towards your life that will lead up to who you've become or what you do" -Danny Morales (9)

"Whatever obstacles or tribulations that we confront within our lives here on earth gives purpose to our lives and enhances our reasoning upon the true vitality of our individual life." -James Perez (12)
"This quote is quite significant because I believe challenges help lead the way to success. If we got everything we wanted and weren't challenged, life wouldn't be truly successful and meaningful. I can use this quote in my daily life to help motivate me to get through the tough challenges and obstacles of life and continue on the path of a hopeful and positive future. As long as you have hope, you can get through anything"
-Michael Lainez (11)

-Elizabeth Morales
Artist of The Week: The XX

Despite last Friday being predicted to bring misfortune for the fact that it was the infamous “Friday the 13th”, The XX contradicted this superstition with the release of their new album. The indie band originated in London and consists of Romy Madley Croft, Oliver Sim, and Jamie Smith. The group released an album by the name of “I See You” this past Friday. This recent album has been highly anticipated considering The XX’s last album was released in 2012.
I highly recommend this album, and am personally biased towards “On Hold” and “A Violent Noise” from the ten songs in “I See You." The band is most known for “Intro," a two minute beat that has reached over one hundred and sixty million listens on Spotify. The XX’s unique vibe has scored them a spot in the Coachella 2017 line-up along with acts like Beyonce and Radiohead.
-Jordan Gonzales
Friends & Family Photo Shoot Starts Today
Cousins Pics Tuesday & Wednesday
Starting Monday the 22nd the yearbook staff will be taking pictures of you and your friends & family starting with siblings (brothers and sisters) in rm205 at lunch. Tuesday & Wednesday they will be taking pics of PV cousins followed by friends on Thursday & Friday (limited to groups of 5). ALL pics will go in this year’s yearbook!

Q: You will be going to the siblings photo shoot Monday?
A: Of course! We can't wait to be immortalized in PV's 2017 Yearbook. Get ready for double trouble!!
-Angelique (left) &
Sophia Tovar (11)
Yearbook Sales End this Month! (buy yours now)
The time has come to buy your yearbook. January 31 is the final day to purchase your yearbook at only $95. The yearbook includes senior baby pictures, the senior panoramic photo, all sports, homecoming, clubs, friends and family, Prom, and so much more! The yearbook is the only place you can find everything that happened at PVHS this school year. It’s our number one goal to include everyone, and we feel like we will reach it this year. The yearbook is for everyone. We encourage you to buy it. Years from now you’ll find it in the back of your closet and open it up and look through the old photographs and remember. You’ll remember your life here, your friends, the stories. You’ll smile and be grateful you bought it because you can’t put a price on memories.
"This yearbook is my life! I really enjoyed working on it, and I think everyone will enjoy it too. You should buy the yearbook because it tells a story -your story!" -Jasmin Chavez, Sports Editor

You should buy the yearbook because it's lit 🔥" -Mona Garcia, Yearbook Editor-in-Chief

Buy your yearbooks soon because you'll never want to forget all of the memories you had in the 2016-2017 school year and you know that you won't regret it! -Lauren Limon, Current Events Editor
Weekly Sports Calendar
Tuesday 24-Jan 5:15/7:00 G JV/V Hoops vs M Prep
Tuesday 24-Jan 3:00/4:00 G JV/V W Polo @ Atascadero
Wed 25-Jan 5:30/7 B JV/V Wrestling vs Righetti
Wed 25-Jan 5:00 G Wrestling @ SMHS
Friday 27-Jan 3:45/5:15/7 B FR/JV/V Hoops vs SJHS
Friday 27-Jan 5:15/7:00 G JV/V Hoops @ SJHS
Friday 27-Jan 4:00/6:00 G JV/V Soccer @ SJHS
Friday 27-Jan 4:00/6:00 B JV/V Soccer vs SJHS
Saturday 28-Jan TBD G Wrestling League Finals @ PVHS